Le premier Walt Disney Pictures de l’année, The Finest Hours, a été dévoilé pour la première fois le 25 janvier 2016 à Los Angeles. Prévu le 29 janvier 2016 aux Etats-Unis et le 24 février en France, ce film est basé sur une histoire vraie, celle de l’opération de secours la plus dangereuse et la plus téméraire de l’histoire des gardes-côtes américains. Chris Pine, Casey Affleck, Eric Bana et le reste du casting étoilé du film ont donc foulé le tapis rouge du TCL Chinese Theater sur Hollywood Boulevard, accueillis par la Garde côtière américaine, la Garde d’honneur et de nombreux fans.
Producteur James Whitaker, acteurs Erica Bana, Holliday Grainger, Chris Pine, Casey Affleck, producteur Dorothy Aufiero et réalisateur Craig Gillespie et le casting de Disney’s The Finest Hours accompagnés du U.S. Coast Guard Band, Honor Guard et de nombreux fans au TCL Chinese Theater sur Hollywood Blvd.
Chris Pine, l’acteur star de la franchise rebootée Star Trek et du récent Into the Woods : Promenons-Nous dans les Bois, est revenu sur son expérience lors du tournage et ses heures continues de prises dans l’eau gelée. Il en a profité également pour revenir sur l’histoire vraie dont est inspiré le film, une histoire basée sur le courage et la persévérance d’hommes bravant la neige, les giboulées, les vagues géantes, la pluie incessante le tout sans visibilité ni orientation. Un véritable exploit humain que d’être allé secourir à bord d’un bateau en bois un cargo.
Chris Pine accueili par l’U.S. Coast Guard Band, Honor Guard et des fans à la première du film au TCL Chinese Theater sur Hollywood Blvd.
Les médias présents ont peu également rencontrer l’actrice Holliday Grainger (Cendrillon). Elle incarne dans le film Miriam, la femme de Bernie Webber. « J’apprécie fortement ce que Chris a insufflé au personnage de Bernie, des ‘anciennes’ valeurs d’honnêteté et d’intégrité, qui sont plus importantes que toute sortes de fierté masculine. Et je pense qu’il joue ça magnifiquement bien. Moi et lui sommes véritablement tombés amoureux de la relation entre Bernie et Miriam. Le fait est qu’ils ont fait connaissance durant quatre mois par téléphone et que tout ça était très instinctif ».
(Re)vivez cette soirée en photos…
- HOLLYWOOD, CA – JANUARY 25: Actors Eric Bana, Holliday Grainger, Chris Pine and Casey Affleck and the cast of Disneys The Finest Hours were greeted by the U.S. Coast Guard Band, Honor Guard and throngs of fans at the films premiere earlier tonight at the TCL Chinese Theater on Hollywood Blvd. The heroic action-thriller opens in U.S. theaters this Friday, January 29. (Photo by Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images for Disney) *** Local Caption *** Eric Bana; Holliday Grainger; Chris Pine; Casey Affleck
- HOLLYWOOD, CA – JANUARY 25: Actors Eric Bana, Holliday Grainger, Chris Pine and Casey Affleck and the cast of Disneys The Finest Hours were greeted by the U.S. Coast Guard Band, Honor Guard and throngs of fans at the films premiere earlier tonight at the TCL Chinese Theater on Hollywood Blvd. The heroic action-thriller opens in U.S. theaters this Friday, January 29. (Photo by Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images for Disney) *** Local Caption *** Eric Bana; Holliday Grainger; Chris Pine; Casey Affleck
- HOLLYWOOD, CA – JANUARY 25: Actress Rachel Brosnahan and the cast of Disneys The Finest Hours were greeted by the U.S. Coast Guard Band, Honor Guard and throngs of fans at the films premiere earlier tonight at the TCL Chinese Theater on Hollywood Blvd. The heroic action-thriller opens in U.S. theaters this Friday, January 29. (Photo by Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images for Disney) *** Local Caption *** Rachel Brosnahan
- HOLLYWOOD, CA – JANUARY 25: Actor Josh Stewart and the cast of Disneys The Finest Hours were greeted by the U.S. Coast Guard Band, Honor Guard and throngs of fans at the films premiere earlier tonight at the TCL Chinese Theater on Hollywood Blvd. The heroic action-thriller opens in U.S. theaters this Friday, January 29. (Photo by Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images for Disney) *** Local Caption *** Josh Stewart
- HOLLYWOOD, CA – JANUARY 25: Actor Kyle Gallner and the cast of Disneys The Finest Hours were greeted by the U.S. Coast Guard Band, Honor Guard and throngs of fans at the films premiere earlier tonight at the TCL Chinese Theater on Hollywood Blvd. The heroic action-thriller opens in U.S. theaters this Friday, January 29. (Photo by Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images for Disney) *** Local Caption *** Kyle Gallner
- HOLLYWOOD, CA – JANUARY 25: Actor Kyle Gallner and the cast of Disneys The Finest Hours were greeted by the U.S. Coast Guard Band, Honor Guard and throngs of fans at the films premiere earlier tonight at the TCL Chinese Theater on Hollywood Blvd. The heroic action-thriller opens in U.S. theaters this Friday, January 29. (Photo by Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images for Disney) *** Local Caption *** Kyle Gallner
- HOLLYWOOD, CA – JANUARY 25: Actor Chris Pine and the cast of Disneys The Finest Hours were greeted by the U.S. Coast Guard Band, Honor Guard and throngs of fans at the films premiere earlier tonight at the TCL Chinese Theater on Hollywood Blvd. The heroic action-thriller opens in U.S. theaters this Friday, January 29. (Photo by Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images for Disney) *** Local Caption *** Chris Pine
- HOLLYWOOD, CA – JANUARY 25: Actor Josh Stewart and the cast of Disneys The Finest Hours were greeted by the U.S. Coast Guard Band, Honor Guard and throngs of fans at the films premiere earlier tonight at the TCL Chinese Theater on Hollywood Blvd. The heroic action-thriller opens in U.S. theaters this Friday, January 29. (Photo by Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images for Disney) *** Local Caption *** Josh Stewart
- HOLLYWOOD, CA – JANUARY 25: Actor Josh Stewart and the cast of Disneys The Finest Hours were greeted by the U.S. Coast Guard Band, Honor Guard and throngs of fans at the films premiere earlier tonight at the TCL Chinese Theater on Hollywood Blvd. The heroic action-thriller opens in U.S. theaters this Friday, January 29. (Photo by Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images for Disney) *** Local Caption *** Josh Stewart
- HOLLYWOOD, CA – JANUARY 25: (L-R) Producer James Whitaker, actors Erica Bana, Holliday Grainger, Chris Pine, Casey Affleck, producer Dorothy Aufiero and director Craig Gillespie and the cast of Disneys The Finest Hours were greeted by the U.S. Coast Guard Band, Honor Guard and throngs of fans at the films premiere earlier tonight at the TCL Chinese Theater on Hollywood Blvd. The heroic action-thriller opens in U.S. theaters this Friday, January 29. (Photo by Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images for Disney) *** Local Caption *** James Whitaker; Eric Bana; Holliday Grainger; Chris Pine; Casey Affleck; Dorothy Aufiero; Craig Gillespie
- HOLLYWOOD, CA – JANUARY 25: Actor Eric Bana and the cast of Disneys The Finest Hours were greeted by the U.S. Coast Guard Band, Honor Guard and throngs of fans at the films premiere earlier tonight at the TCL Chinese Theater on Hollywood Blvd. The heroic action-thriller opens in U.S. theaters this Friday, January 29. (Photo by Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images for Disney) *** Local Caption *** Eric Bana
- HOLLYWOOD, CA – JANUARY 25: Actor Eric Bana and the cast of Disneys The Finest Hours were greeted by the U.S. Coast Guard Band, Honor Guard and throngs of fans at the films premiere earlier tonight at the TCL Chinese Theater on Hollywood Blvd. The heroic action-thriller opens in U.S. theaters this Friday, January 29. (Photo by Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images for Disney) *** Local Caption *** Eric Bana
- HOLLYWOOD, CA – JANUARY 25: Actors Casey Affleck (L) and Eric Bana and the cast of Disneys The Finest Hours were greeted by the U.S. Coast Guard Band, Honor Guard and throngs of fans at the films premiere earlier tonight at the TCL Chinese Theater on Hollywood Blvd. The heroic action-thriller opens in U.S. theaters this Friday, January 29. (Photo by Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images for Disney) *** Local Caption *** Casey Affleck; Eric Bana
- HOLLYWOOD, CA – JANUARY 25: Actor Keiynan Lonsdale and the cast of Disneys The Finest Hours were greeted by the U.S. Coast Guard Band, Honor Guard and throngs of fans at the films premiere earlier tonight at the TCL Chinese Theater on Hollywood Blvd. The heroic action-thriller opens in U.S. theaters this Friday, January 29. (Photo by Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images for Disney) *** Local Caption *** Keiynan Lonsdale
- HOLLYWOOD, CA – JANUARY 25: Actor Keiynan Lonsdale and the cast of Disneys The Finest Hours were greeted by the U.S. Coast Guard Band, Honor Guard and throngs of fans at the films premiere earlier tonight at the TCL Chinese Theater on Hollywood Blvd. The heroic action-thriller opens in U.S. theaters this Friday, January 29. (Photo by Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images for Disney) *** Local Caption *** Keiynan Lonsdale
- HOLLYWOOD, CA – JANUARY 25: LtCol, Red Tail Pilot, Robert J Friend (R) and the cast of Disneys The Finest Hours were greeted by the U.S. Coast Guard Band, Honor Guard and throngs of fans at the films premiere earlier tonight at the TCL Chinese Theater on Hollywood Blvd. The heroic action-thriller opens in U.S. theaters this Friday, January 29. (Photo by Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images for Disney) *** Local Caption *** Robert J Friend
- HOLLYWOOD, CA – JANUARY 25: Actress Trinitee Stokes and the cast of Disneys The Finest Hours were greeted by the U.S. Coast Guard Band, Honor Guard and throngs of fans at the films premiere earlier tonight at the TCL Chinese Theater on Hollywood Blvd. The heroic action-thriller opens in U.S. theaters this Friday, January 29. (Photo by Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images for Disney) *** Local Caption *** Trinitee Stokes
- HOLLYWOOD, CA – JANUARY 25: Actress Trinitee Stokes and the cast of Disneys The Finest Hours were greeted by the U.S. Coast Guard Band, Honor Guard and throngs of fans at the films premiere earlier tonight at the TCL Chinese Theater on Hollywood Blvd. The heroic action-thriller opens in U.S. theaters this Friday, January 29. (Photo by Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images for Disney) *** Local Caption *** Trinitee Stokes
- HOLLYWOOD, CA – JANUARY 25: Actor Kamil McFadden and the cast of Disneys The Finest Hours were greeted by the U.S. Coast Guard Band, Honor Guard and throngs of fans at the films premiere earlier tonight at the TCL Chinese Theater on Hollywood Blvd. The heroic action-thriller opens in U.S. theaters this Friday, January 29. (Photo by Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images for Disney) *** Local Caption *** Kamil McFadden
- HOLLYWOOD, CA – JANUARY 25: Actress Veronica Dunne and the cast of Disneys The Finest Hours were greeted by the U.S. Coast Guard Band, Honor Guard and throngs of fans at the films premiere earlier tonight at the TCL Chinese Theater on Hollywood Blvd. The heroic action-thriller opens in U.S. theaters this Friday, January 29. (Photo by Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images for Disney) *** Local Caption *** Veronica Dunne
- HOLLYWOOD, CA – JANUARY 25: Actor Eric Bana and the cast of Disneys The Finest Hours were greeted by the U.S. Coast Guard Band, Honor Guard and throngs of fans at the films premiere earlier tonight at the TCL Chinese Theater on Hollywood Blvd. The heroic action-thriller opens in U.S. theaters this Friday, January 29. (Photo by Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images for Disney) *** Local Caption *** Eric Bana
- HOLLYWOOD, CA – JANUARY 25: Coast Guard Engineer, Andy Fitzgerald and the cast of Disneys The Finest Hours were greeted by the U.S. Coast Guard Band, Honor Guard and throngs of fans at the films premiere earlier tonight at the TCL Chinese Theater on Hollywood Blvd. The heroic action-thriller opens in U.S. theaters this Friday, January 29. (Photo by Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images for Disney) *** Local Caption *** Andy Fitzgerald
- HOLLYWOOD, CA – JANUARY 25: Coast Guard Engineer, Andy Fitzgerald and the cast of Disneys The Finest Hours were greeted by the U.S. Coast Guard Band, Honor Guard and throngs of fans at the films premiere earlier tonight at the TCL Chinese Theater on Hollywood Blvd. The heroic action-thriller opens in U.S. theaters this Friday, January 29. (Photo by Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images for Disney) *** Local Caption *** Andy Fitzgerald
- HOLLYWOOD, CA – JANUARY 25: Coast Guard Engineer, Andy Fitzgerald and the cast of Disneys The Finest Hours were greeted by the U.S. Coast Guard Band, Honor Guard and throngs of fans at the films premiere earlier tonight at the TCL Chinese Theater on Hollywood Blvd. The heroic action-thriller opens in U.S. theaters this Friday, January 29. (Photo by Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images for Disney) *** Local Caption *** Andy Fitzgerald
- HOLLYWOOD, CA – JANUARY 25: Coast Guard Engineer, Andy Fitzgerald and the cast of Disneys The Finest Hours were greeted by the U.S. Coast Guard Band, Honor Guard and throngs of fans at the films premiere earlier tonight at the TCL Chinese Theater on Hollywood Blvd. The heroic action-thriller opens in U.S. theaters this Friday, January 29. (Photo by Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images for Disney) *** Local Caption *** Andy Fitzgerald
- HOLLYWOOD, CA – JANUARY 25: The cast of Disneys The Finest Hours were greeted by the U.S. Coast Guard Band, Honor Guard and throngs of fans at the films premiere earlier tonight at the TCL Chinese Theater on Hollywood Blvd. The heroic action-thriller opens in U.S. theaters this Friday, January 29. (Photo by Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images for Disney)
- HOLLYWOOD, CA – JANUARY 25: The cast of Disneys The Finest Hours were greeted by the U.S. Coast Guard Band, Honor Guard and throngs of fans at the films premiere earlier tonight at the TCL Chinese Theater on Hollywood Blvd. The heroic action-thriller opens in U.S. theaters this Friday, January 29. (Photo by Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images for Disney)
- HOLLYWOOD, CA – JANUARY 25: The cast of Disneys The Finest Hours were greeted by the U.S. Coast Guard Band, Honor Guard and throngs of fans at the films premiere earlier tonight at the TCL Chinese Theater on Hollywood Blvd. The heroic action-thriller opens in U.S. theaters this Friday, January 29. (Photo by Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images for Disney)
- HOLLYWOOD, CA – JANUARY 25: The cast of Disneys The Finest Hours were greeted by the U.S. Coast Guard Band, Honor Guard and throngs of fans at the films premiere earlier tonight at the TCL Chinese Theater on Hollywood Blvd. The heroic action-thriller opens in U.S. theaters this Friday, January 29. (Photo by Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images for Disney)
- HOLLYWOOD, CA – JANUARY 25: The cast of Disneys The Finest Hours were greeted by the U.S. Coast Guard Band, Honor Guard and throngs of fans at the films premiere earlier tonight at the TCL Chinese Theater on Hollywood Blvd. The heroic action-thriller opens in U.S. theaters this Friday, January 29. (Photo by Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images for Disney)
- HOLLYWOOD, CA – JANUARY 25: The cast of Disneys The Finest Hours were greeted by the U.S. Coast Guard Band, Honor Guard and throngs of fans at the films premiere earlier tonight at the TCL Chinese Theater on Hollywood Blvd. The heroic action-thriller opens in U.S. theaters this Friday, January 29. (Photo by Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images for Disney)
- HOLLYWOOD, CA – JANUARY 25: Actor Casey Affleck (L) and executive producer Doug Merrifield and the cast of Disneys The Finest Hours were greeted by the U.S. Coast Guard Band, Honor Guard and throngs of fans at the films premiere earlier tonight at the TCL Chinese Theater on Hollywood Blvd. The heroic action-thriller opens in U.S. theaters this Friday, January 29. (Photo by Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images for Disney) *** Local Caption *** Casey Affleck; Doug Merrifield
- HOLLYWOOD, CA – JANUARY 25: Executive producer Doug Merrifield (L) and daughter of the late Bernie Webber, Pattie Webber Hamilton and the cast of Disneys The Finest Hours were greeted by the U.S. Coast Guard Band, Honor Guard and throngs of fans at the films premiere earlier tonight at the TCL Chinese Theater on Hollywood Blvd. The heroic action-thriller opens in U.S. theaters this Friday, January 29. (Photo by Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images for Disney) *** Local Caption *** Doug Merrifield; Pattie Webber Hamilton
- HOLLYWOOD, CA – JANUARY 25: (L-R) President of Walt Disney Studios Motion Picture Production Sean Bailey, Chairman, The Walt Disney Studios, Alan Horn, Admiral and Commandant, US Coast Guard, Paul Zukunft, Commander, US Coast Guard, John Pruitt and President, The Walt Disney Studios, Alan Bergman and the cast of Disneys The Finest Hours were greeted by the U.S. Coast Guard Band, Honor Guard and throngs of fans at the films premiere earlier tonight at the TCL Chinese Theater on Hollywood Blvd. The heroic action-thriller opens in U.S. theaters this Friday, January 29. (Photo by Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images for Disney) *** Local Caption *** Sean Bailey; Alan Horn; Paul Zukunft; John Pruitt; Alan Bergman
- HOLLYWOOD, CA – JANUARY 25: Singer Zella Day and the cast of Disneys The Finest Hours were greeted by the U.S. Coast Guard Band, Honor Guard and throngs of fans at the films premiere earlier tonight at the TCL Chinese Theater on Hollywood Blvd. The heroic action-thriller opens in U.S. theaters this Friday, January 29. (Photo by Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images for Disney) *** Local Caption *** Zella Day
- HOLLYWOOD, CA – JANUARY 25: Singer Zella Day and the cast of Disneys The Finest Hours were greeted by the U.S. Coast Guard Band, Honor Guard and throngs of fans at the films premiere earlier tonight at the TCL Chinese Theater on Hollywood Blvd. The heroic action-thriller opens in U.S. theaters this Friday, January 29. (Photo by Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images for Disney) *** Local Caption *** Zella Day
- HOLLYWOOD, CA – JANUARY 25: Actor Josh Stewart (R) and the cast of Disneys The Finest Hours were greeted by the U.S. Coast Guard Band, Honor Guard and throngs of fans at the films premiere earlier tonight at the TCL Chinese Theater on Hollywood Blvd. The heroic action-thriller opens in U.S. theaters this Friday, January 29. (Photo by Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images for Disney) *** Local Caption *** Josh Stewart
- Vet. Bob Friend and the cast of DisneyÕs ÒThe Finest HoursÓ were greeted by the U.S. Coast Guard Band, Honor Guard and throngs of fans at the filmÕs premiere earlier tonight at the TCL Chinese Theater on Hollywood Blvd. The heroic action-thriller opens in U.S. theaters this Friday, January 29. (Photo: Alex J. Berliner/ABImages)
- Chris Pine, Casey Affleck, Eric Bana and the cast of DisneyÕs ÒThe Finest HoursÓ were greeted by the U.S. Coast Guard Band, Honor Guard and throngs of fans at the filmÕs premiere earlier tonight at the TCL Chinese Theater on Hollywood Blvd. The heroic action-thriller opens in U.S. theaters this Friday, January 29. (Photo: Alex J. Berliner/ABImages)
- Chris Pine, Casey Affleck, Eric Bana and the cast of DisneyÕs ÒThe Finest HoursÓ were greeted by the U.S. Coast Guard Band, Honor Guard and throngs of fans at the filmÕs premiere earlier tonight at the TCL Chinese Theater on Hollywood Blvd. The heroic action-thriller opens in U.S. theaters this Friday, January 29. (Photo: Alex J. Berliner/ABImages)
- Chris Pine, Casey Affleck, Eric Bana and the cast of DisneyÕs ÒThe Finest HoursÓ were greeted by the U.S. Coast Guard Band, Honor Guard and throngs of fans at the filmÕs premiere earlier tonight at the TCL Chinese Theater on Hollywood Blvd. The heroic action-thriller opens in U.S. theaters this Friday, January 29. (Photo: Alex J. Berliner/ABImages)
- Chris Pine, Casey Affleck, Eric Bana and the cast of DisneyÕs ÒThe Finest HoursÓ were greeted by the U.S. Coast Guard Band, Honor Guard and throngs of fans at the filmÕs premiere earlier tonight at the TCL Chinese Theater on Hollywood Blvd. The heroic action-thriller opens in U.S. theaters this Friday, January 29. (Photo: Alex J. Berliner/ABImages)
- Chris Pine, Casey Affleck, Eric Bana and the cast of DisneyÕs ÒThe Finest HoursÓ were greeted by the U.S. Coast Guard Band, Honor Guard and throngs of fans at the filmÕs premiere earlier tonight at the TCL Chinese Theater on Hollywood Blvd. The heroic action-thriller opens in U.S. theaters this Friday, January 29. (Photo: Alex J. Berliner/ABImages)
- Chris Pine, Casey Affleck, Eric Bana and the cast of DisneyÕs ÒThe Finest HoursÓ were greeted by the U.S. Coast Guard Band, Honor Guard and throngs of fans at the filmÕs premiere earlier tonight at the TCL Chinese Theater on Hollywood Blvd. The heroic action-thriller opens in U.S. theaters this Friday, January 29. (Photo: Alex J. Berliner/ABImages)
- Keiynan Londsale and the cast of DisneyÕs ÒThe Finest HoursÓ were greeted by the U.S. Coast Guard Band, Honor Guard and throngs of fans at the filmÕs premiere earlier tonight at the TCL Chinese Theater on Hollywood Blvd. The heroic action-thriller opens in U.S. theaters this Friday, January 29. (Photo: Alex J. Berliner/ABImages)
- Michael Raymond-James, Keiynan Londsale and the cast of DisneyÕs ÒThe Finest HoursÓ were greeted by the U.S. Coast Guard Band, Honor Guard and throngs of fans at the filmÕs premiere earlier tonight at the TCL Chinese Theater on Hollywood Blvd. The heroic action-thriller opens in U.S. theaters this Friday, January 29. (Photo: Alex J. Berliner/ABImages)
- Trinitee Stokes and the cast of DisneyÕs ÒThe Finest HoursÓ were greeted by the U.S. Coast Guard Band, Honor Guard and throngs of fans at the filmÕs premiere earlier tonight at the TCL Chinese Theater on Hollywood Blvd. The heroic action-thriller opens in U.S. theaters this Friday, January 29. (Photo: Alex J. Berliner/ABImages)
- Veronica Dunne and the cast of DisneyÕs ÒThe Finest HoursÓ were greeted by the U.S. Coast Guard Band, Honor Guard and throngs of fans at the filmÕs premiere earlier tonight at the TCL Chinese Theater on Hollywood Blvd. The heroic action-thriller opens in U.S. theaters this Friday, January 29. (Photo: Alex J. Berliner/ABImages)
- Veronica Dunne and the cast of DisneyÕs ÒThe Finest HoursÓ were greeted by the U.S. Coast Guard Band, Honor Guard and throngs of fans at the filmÕs premiere earlier tonight at the TCL Chinese Theater on Hollywood Blvd. The heroic action-thriller opens in U.S. theaters this Friday, January 29. (Photo: Alex J. Berliner/ABImages)
- Josh Stewart and the cast of DisneyÕs ÒThe Finest HoursÓ were greeted by the U.S. Coast Guard Band, Honor Guard and throngs of fans at the filmÕs premiere earlier tonight at the TCL Chinese Theater on Hollywood Blvd. The heroic action-thriller opens in U.S. theaters this Friday, January 29. (Photo: Alex J. Berliner/ABImages)
- Andy Fitzgerald and the cast of DisneyÕs ÒThe Finest HoursÓ were greeted by the U.S. Coast Guard Band, Honor Guard and throngs of fans at the filmÕs premiere earlier tonight at the TCL Chinese Theater on Hollywood Blvd. The heroic action-thriller opens in U.S. theaters this Friday, January 29. (Photo: Alex J. Berliner/ABImages)
- Dorothy Aufiero, Andy Fitzgerald, Adrmiral Zukunft and the cast of DisneyÕs ÒThe Finest HoursÓ were greeted by the U.S. Coast Guard Band, Honor Guard and throngs of fans at the filmÕs premiere earlier tonight at the TCL Chinese Theater on Hollywood Blvd. The heroic action-thriller opens in U.S. theaters this Friday, January 29. (Photo: Alex J. Berliner/ABImages)
- Sean Bailey, Admiral Zukunft and the cast of DisneyÕs ÒThe Finest HoursÓ were greeted by the U.S. Coast Guard Band, Honor Guard and throngs of fans at the filmÕs premiere earlier tonight at the TCL Chinese Theater on Hollywood Blvd. The heroic action-thriller opens in U.S. theaters this Friday, January 29. (Photo: Alex J. Berliner/ABImages)
- Beau Knapp and the cast of Disney’s “The Finest Hours” were greeted by the U.S. Coast Guard Band, Honor Guard and throngs of fans at the film’s premiere earlier tonight at the TCL Chinese Theater on Hollywood Blvd. The heroic action-thriller opens in U.S. theaters this Friday, January 29. (Photo: Alex J. Berliner/ABImages)
- Doug Merrifield, Beau Knapp and the cast of DisneyÕs ÒThe Finest HoursÓ were greeted by the U.S. Coast Guard Band, Honor Guard and throngs of fans at the filmÕs premiere earlier tonight at the TCL Chinese Theater on Hollywood Blvd. The heroic action-thriller opens in U.S. theaters this Friday, January 29. (Photo: Alex J. Berliner/ABImages)
- Jim Whitaker, Sean Bailey and the cast of DisneyÕs ÒThe Finest HoursÓ were greeted by the U.S. Coast Guard Band, Honor Guard and throngs of fans at the filmÕs premiere earlier tonight at the TCL Chinese Theater on Hollywood Blvd. The heroic action-thriller opens in U.S. theaters this Friday, January 29. (Photo: Alex J. Berliner/ABImages)
- Jim Whitaker, Sean Bailey and the cast of DisneyÕs ÒThe Finest HoursÓ were greeted by the U.S. Coast Guard Band, Honor Guard and throngs of fans at the filmÕs premiere earlier tonight at the TCL Chinese Theater on Hollywood Blvd. The heroic action-thriller opens in U.S. theaters this Friday, January 29. (Photo: Alex J. Berliner/ABImages)
- Chris Pine, Casey Affleck, Eric Bana and the cast of DisneyÕs ÒThe Finest HoursÓ were greeted by the U.S. Coast Guard Band, Honor Guard and throngs of fans at the filmÕs premiere earlier tonight at the TCL Chinese Theater on Hollywood Blvd. The heroic action-thriller opens in U.S. theaters this Friday, January 29. (Photo: Alex J. Berliner/ABImages)
- Chris Pine, Sean Bailey and the cast of DisneyÕs ÒThe Finest HoursÓ were greeted by the U.S. Coast Guard Band, Honor Guard and throngs of fans at the filmÕs premiere earlier tonight at the TCL Chinese Theater on Hollywood Blvd. The heroic action-thriller opens in U.S. theaters this Friday, January 29. (Photo: Alex J. Berliner/ABImages)
- Jim Whitaker, Chris Pine, Sean Bailey and the cast of DisneyÕs ÒThe Finest HoursÓ were greeted by the U.S. Coast Guard Band, Honor Guard and throngs of fans at the filmÕs premiere earlier tonight at the TCL Chinese Theater on Hollywood Blvd. The heroic action-thriller opens in U.S. theaters this Friday, January 29. (Photo: Alex J. Berliner/ABImages)
- Jim Whitaker, Chris Pine, Alan Bergman, Sean Bailey and the cast of DisneyÕs ÒThe Finest HoursÓ were greeted by the U.S. Coast Guard Band, Honor Guard and throngs of fans at the filmÕs premiere earlier tonight at the TCL Chinese Theater on Hollywood Blvd. The heroic action-thriller opens in U.S. theaters this Friday, January 29. (Photo: Alex J. Berliner/ABImages)
- Chris Pine, Alan Horn and the cast of DisneyÕs ÒThe Finest HoursÓ were greeted by the U.S. Coast Guard Band, Honor Guard and throngs of fans at the filmÕs premiere earlier tonight at the TCL Chinese Theater on Hollywood Blvd. The heroic action-thriller opens in U.S. theaters this Friday, January 29. (Photo: Alex J. Berliner/ABImages)
- Eric Bana, Chris Pine and the cast of DisneyÕs ÒThe Finest HoursÓ were greeted by the U.S. Coast Guard Band, Honor Guard and throngs of fans at the filmÕs premiere earlier tonight at the TCL Chinese Theater on Hollywood Blvd. The heroic action-thriller opens in U.S. theaters this Friday, January 29. (Photo: Alex J. Berliner/ABImages)
- Chris Pine, Casey Affleck, Eric Bana and the cast of Disney’s “The Finest Hours” were greeted by the U.S. Coast Guard Band, Honor Guard and throngs of fans at the film’s premiere earlier tonight at the TCL Chinese Theater on Hollywood Blvd. The heroic action-thriller opens in U.S. theaters this Friday, January 29. (Photo: Alex J. Berliner/ABImages)
- Casey Affleck, Holliday Grainger and the cast of DisneyÕs ÒThe Finest HoursÓ were greeted by the U.S. Coast Guard Band, Honor Guard and throngs of fans at the filmÕs premiere earlier tonight at the TCL Chinese Theater on Hollywood Blvd. The heroic action-thriller opens in U.S. theaters this Friday, January 29. (Photo: Alex J. Berliner/ABImages)
- Alan Horn, Casey Affleck and the cast of DisneyÕs ÒThe Finest HoursÓ were greeted by the U.S. Coast Guard Band, Honor Guard and throngs of fans at the filmÕs premiere earlier tonight at the TCL Chinese Theater on Hollywood Blvd. The heroic action-thriller opens in U.S. theaters this Friday, January 29. (Photo: Alex J. Berliner/ABImages)
- Holliday Grainger and the cast of DisneyÕs ÒThe Finest HoursÓ were greeted by the U.S. Coast Guard Band, Honor Guard and throngs of fans at the filmÕs premiere earlier tonight at the TCL Chinese Theater on Hollywood Blvd. The heroic action-thriller opens in U.S. theaters this Friday, January 29. (Photo: Alex J. Berliner/ABImages)
- Holliday Grainger and the cast of DisneyÕs ÒThe Finest HoursÓ were greeted by the U.S. Coast Guard Band, Honor Guard and throngs of fans at the filmÕs premiere earlier tonight at the TCL Chinese Theater on Hollywood Blvd. The heroic action-thriller opens in U.S. theaters this Friday, January 29. (Photo: Alex J. Berliner/ABImages)
- Jim Whitaker, Craig Gillespie and the cast of DisneyÕs ÒThe Finest HoursÓ were greeted by the U.S. Coast Guard Band, Honor Guard and throngs of fans at the filmÕs premiere earlier tonight at the TCL Chinese Theater on Hollywood Blvd. The heroic action-thriller opens in U.S. theaters this Friday, January 29. (Photo: Alex J. Berliner/ABImages)
- Craig Gillespie and the cast of DisneyÕs ÒThe Finest HoursÓ were greeted by the U.S. Coast Guard Band, Honor Guard and throngs of fans at the filmÕs premiere earlier tonight at the TCL Chinese Theater on Hollywood Blvd. The heroic action-thriller opens in U.S. theaters this Friday, January 29. (Photo: Alex J. Berliner/ABImages)
- Dorothy Aufiero, Craig Gillespie, Jim Whitaker and the cast of DisneyÕs ÒThe Finest HoursÓ were greeted by the U.S. Coast Guard Band, Honor Guard and throngs of fans at the filmÕs premiere earlier tonight at the TCL Chinese Theater on Hollywood Blvd. The heroic action-thriller opens in U.S. theaters this Friday, January 29. (Photo: Alex J. Berliner/ABImages)
- Rachel Brosnahan and the cast of DisneyÕs ÒThe Finest HoursÓ were greeted by the U.S. Coast Guard Band, Honor Guard and throngs of fans at the filmÕs premiere earlier tonight at the TCL Chinese Theater on Hollywood Blvd. The heroic action-thriller opens in U.S. theaters this Friday, January 29. (Photo: Alex J. Berliner/ABImages)
- Rachel Brosnahan and the cast of DisneyÕs ÒThe Finest HoursÓ were greeted by the U.S. Coast Guard Band, Honor Guard and throngs of fans at the filmÕs premiere earlier tonight at the TCL Chinese Theater on Hollywood Blvd. The heroic action-thriller opens in U.S. theaters this Friday, January 29. (Photo: Alex J. Berliner/ABImages)
- Rachel Brosnahan and the cast of DisneyÕs ÒThe Finest HoursÓ were greeted by the U.S. Coast Guard Band, Honor Guard and throngs of fans at the filmÕs premiere earlier tonight at the TCL Chinese Theater on Hollywood Blvd. The heroic action-thriller opens in U.S. theaters this Friday, January 29. (Photo: Alex J. Berliner/ABImages)
- Holliday Grainger and the cast of DisneyÕs ÒThe Finest HoursÓ were greeted by the U.S. Coast Guard Band, Honor Guard and throngs of fans at the filmÕs premiere earlier tonight at the TCL Chinese Theater on Hollywood Blvd. The heroic action-thriller opens in U.S. theaters this Friday, January 29. (Photo: Alex J. Berliner/ABImages)
- Rachel Brosnahan, Holliday Grainger and the cast of DisneyÕs ÒThe Finest HoursÓ were greeted by the U.S. Coast Guard Band, Honor Guard and throngs of fans at the filmÕs premiere earlier tonight at the TCL Chinese Theater on Hollywood Blvd. The heroic action-thriller opens in U.S. theaters this Friday, January 29. (Photo: Alex J. Berliner/ABImages)
- Jim Whitaker, Eric Bana, Holliday Grainger, Chris Pine, Casey Affleck, Dorothy Aufiero, Craig Gillespie and the cast of DisneyÕs ÒThe Finest HoursÓ were greeted by the U.S. Coast Guard Band, Honor Guard and throngs of fans at the filmÕs premiere earlier tonight at the TCL Chinese Theater on Hollywood Blvd. The heroic action-thriller opens in U.S. theaters this Friday, January 29. (Photo: Alex J. Berliner/ABImages)
Le film de Craig Gillespie s’est d’ailleurs offert une nouvelle affiche internationale.
Et (re)découvrez photos, bande-annonce et affiches du film.
C’est à grands renforts d’effets visuels et d’un casting particulièrement prestigieux (Chris Pine, Casey Affleck, John Stewart, Graham McTavish ou encore Eric Bana) que Disney nous relatera cette mission périlleuse de février 1952 pour venir au secours de deux pétroliers sur le point de sombrer dans les abysses océaniques.
BA #1 VF (sans les mentions nationales américaines dans la VF comme le drapeau flottant)
Craig Gillespie (Une Fiancée Pas Comme Les Autres) a eu la tâche de diriger ce casting et donner vie au scénario de Paul Tamasy et Eric Johnson.
The Finest Hours : Chris Pine en sauveteur des mers pour Disney ?
Le projet cinématographique des Walt Disney Studios du remake de The Finest Hours fait parler de lui en ce moment. En effet, si The Hollywood Reporter nous avait assurer que sa réalisation serait confiée à Craig Gillepsie (Fright Night), on a appris récemment que la vedette d’Hollwood, Chris Pine, serait en lice pour décrocher le premier rôle dans ce long-métrage sur un sauvetage héroïque réalisé par le corps des garde-côtes américains en février 1952.
Ce film relatera les événements tragiques survenus en mer lors du naufrage conjugué des pétroliers Pendleton et Fort Mercer,au large de la Nouvelle-Angleterre. C’est en pleine tempête que près de 62 personnes furent sauvées de la noyade. On sait que l’acteur a et aura un emploi du temps chargé puisqu’il rempilera pour le troisième volet de la franchise rebootée Star Trek. Chris Pine sera également à l’affiche d’un autre Disney cet hiver, Into the Woods, l’adaptation sur grand écran du musical de Broadway, dans laquelle il incarne le Prince de Cendrillon (sortie prévue le 31 décembre 2014 en France).
Les Studios Disney dévoilent aujourd’hui de nouvelles images du film Cape Cod (The Finest Hours) prévu le 29 janvier 2016 aux Etats-Unis et le 24 février en France. Cette bande-annonce, aussi impressionnante que la première, de cette super-production Disney révèle un peu plus toute l’intensité dramatique du film basé sur une histoire vraie, celle de l’opération de secours la plus dangereuse et la plus téméraire de l’histoire des gardes-côtes américains.
C’est à grands renforts d’effets visuels et d’un casting particulièrement prestigieux (Chris Pine, Casey Affleck, John Stewart, Graham McTavish ou encore Eric Bana) que Disney nous relatera cette mission périlleuse de février 1952, pour venir au secours de deux pétroliers sur le point de sombrer dans les abysses océaniques.
The Finest Hours : bande-annonce
BA #1 VF (sans les mentions nationales américaines dans la VF comme le drapeau flottant)
BA #2 VO
Craig Gillespie (Une Fiancée Pas Comme Les Autres) a eu la tâche de diriger ce casting et donner vie au scénario de Paul Tamasy et Eric Johnson.
The Finest Hours : affiche
The Finest Hours Final Poster
Après sa bande-annonce et son affiche principale, Cape Cod (The Finest Hours), prévu le 29 janvier 2016 aux Etats-Unis et le 24 février en France, révèle un peu plus toute son intensité dramatique. Le film est basé sur une histoire vraie, celle de l’opération de secours la plus dangereuse et la plus téméraire de l’histoire des gardes-côtes américains. Découvrez les photos officielles de production.
- Ray Sybert (Casey Affleck) et Tchuda Southerland (Josh Stewart)
- Ray Sybert (Casey Affleck)
- Ray Sybert (Casey Affleck), D. A. Brown (Michael Raymond-James) et le reste e l’équipage du SS Pendleton
- D.A. Brown (Michael Raymond-James), Tiny Myers (Abraham Benrubi) et Wallace Quirey (John Ortiz)
- Ray Sybert (Casey Affleck)
- Tiny Myers (Abraham Benrubi)
- Ray Sybert (Casey Affleck) et l’équipage du SS Pendleton
- Ray Sybert (Casey Affleck)
- Ray Sybert (Casey Affleck) et Tchuda Sutherland (Josh Stewart)
- Ray Sybert (Casey Affleck)
- Chris Pine est Bernie Webber et Beau Knapp est Mel Gouthro
- Eric Bana est l’officier Daniel Cluff, Chris PIne est Bernie Webber et Kyle Gallner est Andy Fitzgerald
- Ben Foster incarne Richard Livesey
- John Magaro incarne Ervin Maske
- Holliday Grainger incarne Miriam et Beau Knapp est Mel Gouthro
- Kyle Gallner est Andy Fitzgerald
- Ben Foster est Richard Livesey et John Magaro est Ervin Maske
- Kyle Gallner est Andy Fitzgerald et Ben Foster est Richard Livesey
- John Magaro est Ervin Maske
- Rachel Brosnahan est Bea et Holliday Grainger est Miriam
- Chris PIne est Bernie Webber et Holliday Grainger est Miriam
- Chris Pine est Bernie Webber et Holliday Grainger est Miriam
- Chris Pine est Captain Bernie Webber
- Ervin Maske (John Magaro), Andy Fitzgerald (Kyle Gallner) Richard Livesey (Ben Foster) et Bernie Webber (Chris Pine)
- Ervin Maske (John Magaro), Andy Fitzgerald (Kyle Gallner), Richard Livesey (Ben Foster) and Bernie Webber (Chris Pine)
- Ervin Maske (John Magaro), Andy Fitzgerald (Kyle Gallner), Richard Livesey (Ben Foster) and Bernie Webber (Chris Pine)
- Chris PIne est Bernie Webber
- Ervin Maske (John Magaro), Andy Fitzgerald (Kyle Gallner), Richard Livesey (Ben Foster) and Bernie Webber (Chris Pine)
- Chris Pine est Captain Bernie Webber
C’est à grands renforts d’effets visuels et d’un casting particulièrement prestigieux (Chris Pine, Casey Affleck, John Stewart, Graham McTavish ou encore Eric Bana) que Disney nous relatera cette mission périlleuse de février 1952 pour venir au secours de deux pétroliers sur le point de sombrer dans les abysses océaniques.